WordPress 3.3 “Sonny” 版本发布

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博客吧表示很纠结,wordpress更新的积极真强,前天才发布wordpress 3.3 rc3,今天正式版就出来了。wordpress3.3版本命名为”sonny”,以纪念伟大的爵士萨克斯风手Sonny Stitt。wordpress 3.3版在导航、上传和导入等方面提高了用户体验。下面是wp官方博客的更新说明。


有经验的用户一定会喜欢全新的“拖放上传工具”、鼠标悬浮式导航菜单、一体化工具栏、增强的合作编辑体验、以及 Tumblr 导入工具。我们也关注新用户的体验。3.3 版本新增了“气泡提示”功能,在每次更新后,在功能上大幅度的改动会主动弹出提醒用户。同时,使用 3.3 版本新安装 WordPress 的用户会看到一个非常友好的消息框,提示如何开始使用 WordPress。每个页面上的“帮助”选项卡也有显著改进,实用性得到极大提升。站点的“仪表盘”也更加兼容 iPad 和其它平板电脑了。



开发者应该会喜欢新的编辑器 API、最新的 jQuery 版本、更易用的帮助钩子,和更高的固定的链接性能。更多改进,请参见 Codex 文档(英文,正在翻译)和 Trac(英文)。


The latest and greatest version of the WordPress software — 3.3, named “Sonny” in honor of the great jazz saxophonist Sonny Stitt — is immediately available for download or update inside your WordPress dashboard.

WordPress has had over 65 million downloads since version 3.0 was released, and in this third major iteration we’ve added significant polish around the new user experience, navigation, uploading, and imports. Check out this short video that summarizes the things we think you’ll find are the cat’s pajamas:
For Users

Experienced users will appreciate the new drag-and-drop uploader, hover menus for the navigation, the new toolbar, improved co-editing support, and the new Tumblr importer. We’ve also been thinking a ton about what the WordPress experience is like for people completely new to the software. Version 3.3 has significant improvements there with pointer tips for new features included in each update, a friendly welcome message for first-time users, and revamped help tabs throughout the interface. Finally we’ve improved the dashboard experience on the iPad and other tablets with better touch support.
For Developers

There is a ton of candy for developers as well. I’d recommend starting your exploration with the new editor API, new jQuery version, better ways to hook into the help screens, more performant post-slug-only permalinks, and of course the entire list of improvements on the Codex and in Trac.
Roll the Credits

The Credits tab on the new About WordPress screen in the WordPress dashboard provides recognition for contributors to each release, but we like to thank them here as well.


