WordPress 3.3 Release Candidate 1更新

博客新闻动态 4134

今天wordpress 3.1 RC版本发布了,据官方博客说明该RC版本的发布表示着3.3版本的测试阶段即将完成,离最终版本发布的日子不远了。该版本的发布是做最后一次检查,如果你是一名主题或插件开发者,请检查你的主题或者插件是否有兼容性问题。英文好的博主可以看看WP官方博客原文。


Release Candidate stage means we think we’re done and are about ready to launch this version, but are doing one last check before we officially call it. So take a look, and as always, please check your themes and plugins for compatibility if you’re a developer.

Stayed up late tonight,
Hammering toward RC1.
Now with more icons!

