WordPress 3.3 Beta 2版本发布

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再次表示对WordPress的更新速度膜拜,距WP 3.3 Beta 1版本发布至今才过去九天,WP 3.3 Beta 2版就来了,博客吧赶紧前往WordPress官方博客看了下更新说明,本次的WP Beta版本的更新、修复和改进了若干个问题,废话不多说,详细情况看下面的WP官方博客的更新说明,英文不精通的同学看中文理解。


Changes since Beta 1:

  • Updated the Blue theme
  • Fixed IE7 and RTL support
  • Improved flyout menu styling and fixed several glitches
  • Finished the Pointers implementation
  • Landed the dashboard Welcome box for new installs
  • Improved contextual help styling
  • Tweaked the admin bar a little more
  • Fixed a bunch of bugs

Consult the full change log for details, and see the Beta 1 announcement for information on how to help test Beta 2.

