WordPress 3.2, Beta 1版本发布

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WordPress 3.1版本发布距远好像还没过多久吧?!大概就三个月左右的时间,但在这转眼之间,WordPress 又发布了新版本的测试版WordPress 3.2, Beta 1,速度之快,让国内的程序服务商汗颜。WordPress 3.2 Beta版本的发布,给 WPer 带来了新的功能,新的惊喜,下面博客吧介绍下WP官方提到的新功能。

WordPress 官方博客更新原文:

It seems like just yesterday that we released WordPress 3.1, but it’s actually been almost three months. We’ve spent that time putting together a new release focused on performance improvements, and are ready for our first beta testers!

As always, this is software still in development and we don’t recommend that you run it on a production site — set up a test site just to play with the new version. If you break it (find a bug), please report it, and if you’re a developer, try to help us fix it.

If all goes well, we hope to release WordPress 3.2 by the end of June, though that is (again, as always) subject to change depending on how the beta period goes. The more help we get with testing and fixing bugs, the sooner we will be able to release the final version. If you want to be a beta tester, you should check out the Codex article on how to report bugs.

Here’s some of what’s new:

  • Performance improvements like you wouldn’t believe. What’s that mean? Things are faster!
  • Distraction-free Writing. The visual editor’s full-screen composing experience has gotten a major overhaul, and is now available from HTML mode, too. More than ever, WordPress allows you to focus on what matters most — your content.
  • Admin UI Refresh. The last major redesign of the WordPress admin was in 2008. This isn’t a major redesign, just a little facelift to keep us feeling young. WordPress turns 8 later this month, you know.
  • New Default Theme. Introducing Twenty Eleven, based on the popular Duster theme. Rotating header images, post format support, and more.
  • Browse Happy. WordPress is made to work with modern browsers. If you visit your Dashboard using an outdated web browser, we’ll let you know there’s a newer version available.
  • Admin Bar. We’ve added more links to the admin bar to make it even more useful.
Be Aware:
  • WordPress has new minimum system requirements: PHP 5.2.4 and MySQL 5.0.
  • Internet Explorer 6 will no longer be supported.
  • The favorites menu has been removed. If you’ve written any plugins that use this menu, it’s time to switch over to an admin bar placement.
Known Issues:
  • We haven’t updated the blue admin color scheme yet, so do your testing in the gray zone for best results.

Remember, if you find something you think is a bug, report it! You can bring it up in the alpha/beta forum, you can email it to the wp-testers list, or if you’ve confirmed that other people are experiencing the same bug, you can report it on the WordPress Core Trac. (I recommend starting in the forum or on the mailing list.)

Theme and plugin authors, if you haven’t been following the 3.2 development cycle, please start now so that you can update your themes and plugins to be compatible with the newest version of WordPress.

Note to developers: WordPress is built by the contributions of hundreds of developers. If you’d like to see this release come out on time, I encourage you to pitch in. Even if you don’t have time to do testing on the beta version, you could help us by contributing a fix for one of the many bugs we already know about.

在这里博客吧主要说明下新版本的新功能:免打优写作方式,wordpress 3.1版本相对于旧版本已经有了很大的改进,但3.2版本将更加人性化,博主可以全屏化写作界面,不受其他因素的打扰专心写作;后台管理界面更新,新版本的管理界面更加与众不同的设计,目标是让一切变得更加地简单;新的默认主题,3.0版本以来的新主题我们还没完全适应,3.2版本再次给我们带来新的默认主题,该主题有主题选项,博主可以选择主题的色彩方案和样式;浏览器方面的提升;管理栏方面的改进,将增加更多的选项,使之更加能有效利用。

新版本里要注意有问题:新版本的WordPress 对系统的要求提高了,新版本的最低系统要求:PHP的5.2.4和MySQL 5.0;还有Internet Explorer 6将不再予以支持;移除收藏夹菜单,如果你编写的任何插件,使用此菜单,它的时间切换到一个管理栏的位置。

PS:在 WordPress 3.2正式版本出来后,WP博主们要升级,千万记住要先检查自己所用的服务器空间的系统要求是否达标,免得到时麻烦不断。
