WordPress 3.1.3 and WordPress 3.2 Beta 2发布

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WordPress 官方再次发布更新,这次更新比较特别,是 WordPress 3.1.3版本和 WordPress 3.2 Beta2版同时发布的,主要是对 WordPress 3.1.2版的各种小问题进行了修复,多个数据安全增加。而Beta2是对Beta1版本作了些改变或增加。下面是博客吧转自WP官方博客的相关更新说明介绍。

WordPress 3.1.3更新发布:

WordPress 3.1.3 is available now and is a security update for all previous versions. It contains the following security fixes and enhancements:

  • Various security hardening by Alexander Concha.
  • Taxonomy query hardening by John Lamansky.
  • Prevent sniffing out user names of non-authors by using canonical redirects. Props Verónica Valeros.
  • Media security fixes by Richard Lundeen of Microsoft, Jesse Ou of Microsoft, and Microsoft Vulnerability Research.
  • Improves file upload security on hosts with dangerous security settings.
  • Cleans up old WordPress import files if the import does not finish.
  • Introduce “clickjacking” protection in modern browsers on admin and login pages.
  • 中文: 数个安全增强,由 Alexander Concha 发现;分类法查询的安全增强,由 John Lamansky 发现;避免非作者用户的用户名的泄露,感谢 Verónica Valeros;媒体库功能的安全更新,由微软公司的 Richard Lundeen 和 Jesse Ou,以及 Microsoft Vulnerability Research;改进在设置不当的主机上的文件上传安全性能;清理之前不成功的 WordPress 数据导入过程中产生的垃圾文件;在主流浏览器中引入管理页面和登录页面“点击劫持”的保护功能。

    WordPress 3.2 Beta2更新说明:

    Here are some of the things that changed since Beta 1:

    • Google Chrome Frame is now supported in the admin, if you have it installed. This is especially useful for IE 6 users (remember, IE 6 is otherwise deprecated for the admin).
    • The admin is less ugly in IE 7.
    • The blue admin color scheme has caught up to the grey one, and is ready for testing.
    • We are now bundling jQuery 1.6.1. You should test any JS that uses jQuery. WordPress JavaScript guru Andrew Ozz has a post with more info.

    大致中文:更新了对IE用户一个有用的功能,支持谷歌浏览器的Chrome Frame;色彩风格的改变;捆绑了jQuery 1.6.1;

