WordPress 3.1.2版本更新发布

博客新闻动态 3975

于 WordPress 官方博客时间2011年4月26日发布WP更新消息,WordPress 3.1.1 升级更新版 WordPress 3.1.2 版发布,该次更新主要修复了 WordPress 3.1.1版的贡献者级别的用户不正当发布帖子的错误和修复了其它的一些bug。如果WP博主的博客开放了贡献者级别的注册,那么就赶快更新到最新版本吧。


WordPress 3.1.2 is now available and is a security release for all previous WordPress versions.

This release addresses a vulnerability that allowed Contributor-level users to improperly publish posts.

The issue was discovered by a member of our security team, WordPress developer Andrew Nacin, with Benjamin Balter.

We suggest you update to 3.1.2 promptly, especially if you allow users to register as contributors or if you have untrusted users. This release also fixes a few bugs that missed the boat for version 3.1.1.

Download 3.1.2 or update automatically from the Dashboard → Updates menu in your site’s admin area.

