WordPress 3.1.1版本更新发布

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官方发布了 WordPress 3.1.1版本,该新版本主要是修复了 WordPress 3.1版本的近三十个问题,更重要的是其中还包括了三个安全性问题,WordPress 官方建议使用 WordPress 3.1的用户尽快升级到 WordPress 3.1.1最新版本。下面是博客吧转载过来的 WordPress 官方博客的更新日志公告。

WordPress 官方博客原文:

WordPress 3.1.1 is now available. This maintenance and security release fixes almost thirty issues in 3.1, including:

  • Some security hardening to media uploads
  • Performance improvements
  • Fixes for IIS6 support
  • Fixes for taxonomy and PATHINFO (/index.php/) permalinks
  • Fixes for various query and taxonomy edge cases that caused some plugin compatibility issues

Version 3.1.1 also addresses three security issues discovered by WordPress core developers Jon Cave and Peter Westwood, of our security team. The first hardens CSRF prevention in the media uploader. The second avoids a PHP crash in certain environments when handling devilishly devised links in comments, and the third addresses an XSS flaw.

We suggest you update to 3.1.1 promptly. Download 3.1.1 or update automatically from the Dashboard → Updates menu in your site’s admin area.

内容大致意思:新版本更新修复了3.1版本中发现的近30个安全问题,其中包括强化媒体上传安全、性能提高、IIS6支持修正、修复分类与PATHINFO (/index.php/)的固定链接、纠正导致插件兼容性问题的若干查询问题等。官方建议WP用户尽快更新到3.1.1版本。(内容大致意思参考谷歌翻译)
