WordPress 3.0.5与WordPress 3.1 RC4更新

博客新闻动态 5364

2011年春节过完了,与此同时 WordPress 官方与发布了 WordPress 博客程序的更新版本,这次的更新和以前有些不同,此次 WordPress 的更新是两个版本一起更新的,即 WordPress 3.0.4更新到3.0.5,WordPress 3.1 RC4更新到 WordPress 3.1 RC5。下面看看两个版本该次更新的内容。

WordPress 官方博客原文:

WordPress 3.0.5 is now available and is a security hardening update for all previous WordPress versions.

This security release is required if you have any untrusted user accounts, but it also comes with important security enhancements and hardening. All WordPress users are strongly encouraged to update.

Three point oh point five
Enhances security
Three point one comes soon

The release addresses a number of issues and provides two additional enhancements:

Two moderate security issues were fixed that could have allowed a Contributor- or Author-level user to gain further access to the site.

One information disclosure issue was addressed that could have allowed an Author-level user to view contents of posts they should not be able to see, such as draft or private posts.

Two security enhancements were added. One improved the security of any plugins which were not properly leveraging our security API. The other offers additional defense in depth against a vulnerability that was fixed in previous release.

Thanks to Nils Jueneman and Saddy for their private and responsible disclosures to security@wordpress.org for two of the issues. The others were reported or repaired by our security team.

Download 3.0.5 or update automatically from the Dashboard > Updates menu in your site’s admin area. Please update immediately.

WordPress 3.1 Release Candidate 4 is also now available.

The Release Candidate 4 build includes the security fixes and enhancements included in 3.0.5 and addresses about two dozen additional bugs. This includes fixes for:

  • Deleting a user and reassigning their posts to another user.
  • Marking multiple users or sites as spam in multisite.
  • PHP4 compatibility.

As outlined in previous RC posts, if you are testing the release candidate and think you’ve found a bug, there are a few ways to let us know:

  • Post it to the Alpha/Beta area in the support forums
  • Report it to the wp-testers mailing list
  • Join the development IRC channel and tell us live at irc.freenode.net #wordpress-dev
  • File a bug ticket on the WordPress Trac

To test WordPress 3.1, try the WordPress Beta Tester plugin (you’ll want “bleeding edge nightlies”). Or you can download the release candidate here (zip). If any new issues become known, you’ll be able to find them here.

After nearly five months of development and testing, we think we’re very close to a final release. Users and developers, please test your themes and plugins.

大致内容:WordPress 3.0.5版本是对之前版本的安全加固更新,解决了其中的若干个问题,如允许作者级用户进一步进入该网站,作者级用户不应该能查看受保护的内容;并提供了两个安全增加功能,如改进没有正确利用API的插件的安全性问题,提供深度安全防御。WordPress 3.1 RC5版本修复了三个部分,包插PHP4的兼容性。

